March 15 dog clinic registration still on

As a precaution against the spread of the corona virus, or any other virus that’s floating around, we are changing some of our dog spay/neuter clinic registration procedures. Most importantly, do not come to registration if you are ill, or if anyone you must bring with you is ill. This includes anyone with underlying health conditions.

Ideally, only 1 person is needed for registration, so avoid, as much as possible, bringing additional people with you in order to reduce overcrowding. We will not allow anyone in the Chamber building until 1 pm to limit the time owners are close to others. We will allow only 7 people in the building at a time. As one exits, another will be allowed in. This way we can keep a good distance between people as they complete paperwork and pay. We encourage owners to wash their hands as soon as possible after leaving. In addition, once we have signed in 32 dogs for the April 3 clinic, we will take the names of “overflow” owners who want to sign up for the May 29 clinic and ask them to return at 2 pm to complete registration. In between sign-ups, we will disinfect tabletops, pens and door knobs with Clorox wipes. Please contact Mary at 740-332-9202 or at with any questions.